Thursday, September 19, 2013

daily acts of creation...

The early hours. i love the early hours. i usually wake around 5:00 am, brew my coffee and, between sips from my favorite mug, reflect on the day just past and the new day being born right here, right now, in front of me. a gift.

Beginnings. isn't it wonderful that each day we have another beginning? whatever was, was, but every single morning, we get a fresh new beginning. a chance to let go of what was and be new.

In my early hours, i don't just think about my 'to do' list, but, on my best days, i take time to consider what i want to create in the day. what do i want to do with the day, my day? each of us has some power over what we create in our day.

Each day, we can make things happen, things we want to do, or experience, or share with the world around us. an active, creating day is a wonderful thing; choices are clear and easy to make, and moving through it is effortless and joyful. at other times, we need to embrace what is, knowing we can't change it, or can't effect a change right now, so we accept and embrace and attempt to go with the flow, let it flow through us. then there are the days when we're stubborn, resisting what is or needs to be dealt with in the day; we all know what that energy feels like. as soon as i recognize it, i know i need to back off and just 'breathe'. holding that energy is more trouble than it's worth. on those days i look around me for something, anything, that i can do that will make a difference. i become mindful of little things and turn my hand to those small things that i can do. better to look towards creation, not resistance. creation allows for unfolding, for adding to, for working with, for collaboration, and always, always, allows for open-ended wonder.

Today, I opt for Creation and Open-ended Wonder ~

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